Advantages of Bracing
Most people are likely to experience knee or hip pain at some point in their lives, especially if you
play sports or engage in strenuous activities. A common, but serious, cause of joint pain is osteoarthritis (OA), which is the slow deterioration of the smooth cartilage in the joint.

Unloader knee braces can reduce the load on the painful or affected side of the joint and are proven to reduce pain and improve function. Some patients also report a reduction in pain medication. Unloader Hip braces offer a unique approach to hip OA and are proven to improve activities of daily living.
While the only proven cure for knee and hip OA is a total joint replacement, many patients prefer to postpone surgery for as long as possible and treat their OA knee pain with conservative treatments. Additionally, in the U.S., many insurancese will deny total knee replacement claims without detailed information that conservative treatment options were unsuccessful at reducing knee pain.
If you have had an injury or been diagnosed with knee or hip arthritis, you may want to consider wearing an Unloader Brace.
First hand testimony from the wife of one of our patients who has used the knee unloader brace: “This brace has been an answered prayer, providing both stability and pain relief for my husband who has been in the recliner unable to do the things he wants until now.”