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Samuel A. Moore, D.O.:  Arthroscopy
Samuel A. Moore, D.O.: Anterior Approach Hip

Coach Frank Broyles

Dr. Hefley: Minimally Invasive Hip - Coach Broyles

" I chose minimally invasive hip surgery because I wanted a quick recovery. And that's what happened. Often I'm asked where did I go, and I use the doctor that I chose for my hip surgery. Dr. Hefley was the only one I knew of in Arkansas that would perform this type of pain-free hip surgery. Dr. Hefley was recommended as a doctor who would do the surgery and I would recover much faster — and I did! I resumed my normal activities in three days. I never had to use the walker. One of my duties as Athletic Director is to give awards and make announcements at halftime on the court. I was out there for about 10 minutes, introducing and shaking hands and visiting with people, and it was painless. Five days after hip surgery I flew to Memphis in a private plane, made a 30 minute speech, got on the plane and flew back, and it was painless. Before the surgery I was in much pain.... The surgery eliminated the pain to this day. I walk three miles a day, I play golf painlessly... In two or three years I'm going to be right back asking him to do my left hip!"

— Coach Frank Broyles

“I had been home bound and in so much pain for almost a year trying to over come problems that prevented me from having surgery. When I finally got over these problems, I was scared to death to have the surgery. I couldn't believe it when I woke up from surgery and I was pain free! I have been ever since. It's so wonderful to have my life back thanks to the wonderful skills of Dr. Larry Nguyen and the great care of Arkansas Surgical Hospital. I will always be grateful to Dr. Nguyen and his sweet staff."


— B.B. Fordyce, Arkansas

“Both of my doctors, Dr. Hefley and Dr. Moore, were very professional and personable and treated me like they cared and not like I was just another patient.

Dr. Moore came by to see me one night after dinner at home and putting his kids to bed. He took time to talk and not just a 'how are you doing' visit. He also made sure my lunch was in my room for me when I came to the hospital since I did not get there until after the normal lunch time.
I don’t know why anyone would choose to have their surgery with any other physicians or anywhere other than Arkansas Surgical Hospital.”    


— T.R., Russellville, AR

“I endured the physical abuse of rice and soybean farming in the buckshot mud of southeast Arkansas for over 40 years.  Add to that arthritic and bowed knees.  To say that I had pain was a gross understatement.  Because of the fine surgical skills of Dr. Scott Bowen and the excellent care I received at Arkansas Surgical Hospital, I experienced two total knee replacements that now allow me the pain free pleasure of yard work, golf and keeping up with 8 grandchildren.”       


— D. Walt, Dumas, AR

" After a lifetime of using, and abusing, my legs in any sport that had a ball attached to it, my knees finally sent me the memo…”we’re done”.  In an effort to allow me to limp to the finish line, my personal physician Dr. Ron Fewell, referred me to Dr. Jason Stewart…for that referral I am eternally grateful.
He put a patch on the problem for about three years with a series of Orthovisc injections.  The therapy was effective to a point and allowed me to squeeze a few more years out of the “original equipment”.   At every Orthovisc session I would ask the good doctor, “is it time to bite the bullet and have the knees replaced?”  Each time the response would be the same, “when that time comes, you won’t ask me, you will tell me it’s time.”
When that day finally arrived Dr. Stewart simply stated…”I’ll do my job if you’ll do yours”.  And man-o-day, did he do his job!!  With the utmost professional care, compassion, and attention he set about the task of giving me back what I had lost through the years, the ability to use my legs without limitation and without pain.  Words can’t adequately express my deep appreciation for that gift!!  THANK YOU Dr. Jason Stewart.
I would also be remiss if I didn’t give a shout out to Jason’s outstanding staff: Chris, Kay, Yvonne, Crystal, PT Staff and all the others who were so kind and helpful throughout the entire process….very special people who helped make the experience even more memorable.  Thank you!"

— C. Hicks, North Little Rock, AR

" My pain was constant and near unbearable. I "waddled" when I walked because I had bone on bone and my right hip was worn down so. This also affected my back and I was in continuous pain! Immediately after surgery......NO PAIN! I used a walker for three days and a cane for one week. No rehabilitation was necessary. I am 72 years of age and now have the stamina and ability that I had when I was much younger. The hospital (Arkansas Surgical Hospital) had a country club atmosphere with excellent service. Thank you Dr. Hefley and all of your staff for giving me my life back! "
— Roberta Sheppard Rhein, Little Rock, AR

" When it gets to the point of no return, whether you are an athlete, mechanic, or a housewife you will know it is that time. Time for what you ask? Joint replacement! When that time came for me, I researched every avenue possible and 3 names kept popping up in conversation and in articles, so I decided to go with Dr. William Hefley, and boy what a great move that was. I have had a lot of very successful surgeries from two very good friends and very well known doctors, but this was different. This was going to be hip replacement due to a totally worn out joint. When I contacted Dr. Hefley and his staff they really made me feel comfortable about my hip replacement. I live in Texas and he is in Little Rock, AR. No problem! They made it so easy for me to have surgery 8 hours away. First, after receiving my MRI scan and X-rays and confirming that a hip replacement was needed, he set up appointments for me at his office, the local internal medicine doctor, and the hospital all in one day with surgery to follow the very next day. His surgery center is the most home feeling place you could ever be for a hospital procedure. It is small, quiet, has a great nursing staff and you really feel like they care about you. Dr. Hefley not only gave me my life back, but he reassured me that I had made the right decision in choosing Little Rock with his personal care and concern.


I’m an 8 time world champion rodeo cowboy and when you can’t move anymore it is scary! Our whole life is about how fast you move and being able to perform at your best. Since my surgery... I do some 25 a year all over the US, Canada, Dominican Republic, Brazil, and New Zealand and produce roping events as well. Without the good fortune of meeting Dr. William Hefley, none of this would be happening. I was unable to walk, sleep, ride, or be myself until I had my hip replacement. With that being said, there is only one place to go for joint replacement surgery! OrthoSurgeons! Let Dr. Hefley and his associates fix you up!"


— Joe Beaver, 8-time world rodeo champion


" After years of hard riding, professional horse trainer James Kelly Coffee had injured his hip and needed surgery. Dr. Hefley performed the procedure and got Kelly back to his physically demanding work and lifestyle. Kelly is not only riding and training horses to his full physical ability… he’s also running marathons! Thanks to Dr. Hefley and the rest of the team at OrthoSurgeons, Kelly is back in the saddle and stronger than ever before."


— James Kelly Coffee, Horse Trainer


" As you know from my “One Hip Book”, my life was inexorably changed for the better because I bucked up and decided to have my hip replacement surgery with you. I languished in almost constant grinding pain for months before deciding that I’d never even begin to improve until I got on the other side of this dreaded surgery. It was my fear of the unknown process, itself, that held me back all that time. I’d never even been in a hospital. But as time passed and I took more and more of that prescription pain reliving medication into my body (and poor overworked liver) I realized this was no way to be living live at just 56 years old.


Looking back, I realize how the hip replacement has enabled me to regain my normal life at 63 years old. I can dance, play golf, take long walks, stand and sleep without pain. Your remarkable, minimally invasive surgery in just a few hours and my overnight stay in the hospital gave me back the life I’d known until that incurable osteoarthritis took hold.


Looking back today, almost seven years later, I wanted to write and say thank you for this gift. You and your staff were absolutely wonderful to me through the entire process. You are indeed such a kind, straightforward and capable surgeon. I know I was meant to find you in the almost mystical way that I did and thereby avoid the already scheduled traditional long-incision surgery that would have had me in rehab for months afterwards.


Your method left me walking with a walker the next day, driving within three weeks and hitting chips shots again in less than three months. All with no formal rehab. Nothing except walking on my new hip to strengthen it daily. The two small scars are barely noticeable. Life is good again. I’ve never played better golf as an adult, and I wanted you to know. Thank you again."


— Mike Masterson, Author, Fayetteville, AR


" Kelsey, an NCAA Division I basketball player, injured her shoulder during her senior year in high school. After playing with her injury for an entire season, she realized her game was suffering – and her shoulder was not getting any better. Upon examination, it became clear how serious her condition was. After a complicated surgery which essentially reattached her shoulder, Kelsey recovered quickly and was able to compete to the best of her ability once again."


— Kelsey, NCAA Division basketball player


Kelsey (Patient)
NCAA Division basketball player
Dr. Hefley:  Minimally Invasive Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery
Dr. Hefley:  Surgery Video, Shoulder Arthroscopy
Coach Broyles Testimonial Video
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